12 Mar 2020
P&C Executive and Sub-Committee Role Descriptions
The following role descriptions are intended as a guide only. Each role may vary depending on the individual that fulfils the position and the requirements of the committee at the time.
At the yearly AGM meeting all P&C Executive roles are vacated and nominations open to fill all positions for the new P&C year. Standing sub-committee positions are advertised if the position is available (in the case the current co-ordinator is stepping down from duties).
All individuals that stand, nominate or vote MUST be current P&C members. Memberships can be purchased through QkR for $5.00.
The president is responsible for the overseeing of the P&C and the associated committees, presiding and running the P&C meetings and liaises with the NSW P&C Association and the Principal over any P&C and school matters. The president is responsible for:
• The successful functioning of the P&C.
• Fostering participation of all members.
• Welcoming new members & supporting volunteers.
• Strong advocate for the School
• Assist the school to build a sense of community
• Chairing Meetings.
• Signatory on bank accounts.
• Acting as the P&C spokesperson.
• The President is automatically a member on sub-committees.
More information can be found on the P&C Federation website
The Vice President in the absence of the President presides over the meeting. The Vice President supports the role of the President and may be required to:
• Chair meetings or parts of meetings under the direction of the President.
• Chair meetings in the absence of the President.
• Signatory on bank accounts.
• Take on the responsibility of supporting/leading sub-committees.
• Represent the President if the President is not available.
The Secretary shall attend meetings and keep a record of all business conducted, collect and receipt any mail received, and then hand the mail onto the appropriate sub-committees.
The Secretary is responsible for:
• Taking minutes at meetings.
• Writing outgoing correspondence.
• Maintaining records.
• Signatory on bank accounts.
• Receiving and tabling incoming correspondence.
• Giving notice of meetings.
• Preparing meeting minutes.
• Maintaining official records.
More information can be found on the P&C Federation website
The Treasurer receives and deposits all monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts to each meeting, and presents all records for auditing each year.
The Treasurer is responsible for:
• Receiving and depositing money.
• Maintaining records.
• Drawing cheques and presents accounts.
• Signatory on bank accounts.
• Ensuring books are kept up to date.
• Audit –organising and co-ordinating audit of books.
• Reporting of all transaction and a bank reconciliation at P&C meeting, an annual report to be presented at P&C AGM.
More information can be found on the P&C Federation website
In the absence of the treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer will fulfil the treasurer’s role.
These committees are formed by the P&C to undertake specific planning or tasks. They may be ad-hoc committees, which are formed for a specific purpose and cease to exist after it or they may be Standing Committees, which have an ongoing role and are elected at P&C meetings.
More information can be found on the P&C Federation website
The current Victoria Avenue Public School P&C Standing Committee Positions are:
The role of the canteen co-ordinator is to preside at committee meetings in a fair, democratic and unbiased manner and to oversee the operations of the canteen (with support of a sub-committee). The canteen co-ordinator is accountable to the Principal and the P&C.
The Canteen Co-ordinator is responsible for:
• Maintaining canteen committee rules and policies.
• Ensuring that meetings are properly convened according to the Canteen Sub-Committee rules.
• Ensure that proper meeting procedures are adhered to.
• Act impartially in the best interest of the members of the Canteen Sub-Committee.
• Liaising with the School Principal, the P&C President, the School community, paid staff and volunteers on matters relating to the canteen.
• Report to the Canteen Sub-Committee on matters of importance.
• Present a report to the P&C at monthly meeting and an annual report at the P&C AGM (as required).
• Coordinate a stocktake and thorough clean at the end of each term.
• Ordering app (QkR) administration.
• Manage any banking and monies (alongside the treasurer)
• Ensuring that there are sufficient volunteers each week to open the canteen
• Ideally be able to assist in the canteen for food preparation and service
The role of the fundraising co-ordinator is to preside at committee meetings in a fair, democratic and unbiased manner and to oversee the operations of the fundraising committee (with support of a sub-committee). The fundraising co-ordinator is accountable to the P&C.
The fundraising co-ordinator helps to plan, oversees and co-ordinates any fundraising events (with the support of sub-committees as required).
They also preside over the fundraising sub-committee, maintain records of all events, expenditure and income received from each event.
The Fundraising Co-ordinator is responsible for;
• Co-ordinate and chair meetings to plan and discuss fundraising ideas which will then be taken to the P&C meeting for approval by the P&C.
• Organise fundraising initiatives.
• Ensure that meetings are properly convened according to the Fundraising Sub-Committee rules.
• Ensure that proper meeting procedures are adhered to.
• Act impartially in the best interest of the members of the Fundraising Sub-Committee.
• Liaising with the School Principal, the P&C Executives, the School Community and volunteers on matters relating to fundraising.
• Present a written report to the P&C at monthly meeting and an annual report at the P&C AGM.
Is responsible for the running of the uniform shop, maintain records of sales, money receipted and the ordering of uniform stock, and report to the P&C meetings.
• Oversee the operation of the uniform shop.
• Complete stock-take of all apparel.
• Price and order required stock.
• Accept payments and issue receipts.
• Present a written report to the P&C at monthly meeting and an annual report at the P&C Committee AGM.
• Conduct regular stocktakes.
Is responsible for the sourcing and management of funding grant applications, maintaining records and reporting to the P&C at regular meetings.
• Oversee the application of grant submissions.
• Work closely with the P&C to understand targeted funding areas or projects.
• Liaise with the school principals on funding grants (avoid duplication and support the school as needed)
• Present a written report to the P&C at monthly meetings and an annual report at the P&C Committee AGM.
For any questions on the above roles and responsibilities contact vaps.pandc@gmail.com